Car Definitions

What does DVD Player mean?

A feature found is most high-end vehicles that allows occupants to play a DVD and watch it via a central screen or through monitors embedded into the headrests.

What does Off-Road Dampers mean?

Also known as shock absorbers, off-road dampers are shock absorbers that are designed and built specifically to tackle harsher terrain and higher speeds. They tend to allow greater flex of the wheels while providing longer wheel travel for improved stability.

What does Downforce mean?

A downwards force created by the aerodynamic properties of a vehicle. The purpose of downforce is to allow a car to travel faster through a corner by creating more grip.

What does OBD (On-board Diagnostics) mean?

An industry-standard port usually found near the steering column that is used to connect diagnostic equipment and read error codes through a car’s on-board computer.

What does EBD (Electronic Brakeforce Distribution) mean?

A feature of some antilock braking systems that independently applies brake force to each wheel.